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About us

Who is Designifying?

Designifying is the global leader as Digital Manufacturer based in Delhi and Gurgaon India. Designifying provides professional prototyping services(3D printing, 3d scanning, reverse engineering etc.) and laser cutting services for on-demand custom production of prototypes/end-products as well as short-run batch manufacturing.
Designifying’s professional platform enable designers and creators in industries such as healthcare, automotive, aerospace, art and design, and consumer goods, to build innovative products using 3D printing or additive manufacturing technologies that make the world a better and healthier place.
Designifying provides access to a wide range of 3D printable materials, 3d scanning technology, post processed finishes and techniques, as well as designing consultancy for reverse engineering and new product development.

Contact Us

Dss-14, 2nd Floor
Huda Market, Sec-10
opp. Euro International School
Haryana, India

Telephone: +91-9999-36-3927

Email Us:

Sun: Closed, Mon-Fri: 8 am-6 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm